
Production and Storage Hall Facilities (2006)

  • 25000 sqm
  • Investment: 5 mil euro
  • Curent tenant: SC Trelleborg Automotive SRL

Arc Business Center (2012)

  • 2166 sqm
  • Headquarters for 14 companies

Business Support Structure Phase I (2012)

  • Investment: 4.5 mil euro
  • Building dedicated to production and storage
  • Storage and production building of 4762 sqm
  • Parking Space: 8660 sqm
  • Greenspaces: 2346 sqm

South Dej Power Station

  • 110/20 KI
  • Investment: 3.5 mil euro

Industrial Hall on metal structure (2015)

  • 5600 sqm
  • Current tenant: Sauter Turning Process SRL

Production and Storage Hall (2015)

  • 6300 sqm
  • Current tenant: IMM HYDRO EST SRL

Construction of a new Industrial Facility for Storage and Production (2017 - Ongoing Project)

  • Production and storage space
  • Investment: 4.5 mil Euro
  • 6030 sqm

Solar Plant to supply the Park Electric Energy demands (Future Project)

  • 3.2 MW
  • Estimated investment: 4.5 mil Euro

Cafeteria (Future Project)

  • Estimated investment: 700.000 Euro
  • Social Facility offering services for the entire industrial park work force

Social Impact Program dedicated to the park employees (Future Project)

  • Estimated investment: 800.000 Euro
  • Provide housing for approximately 1000 employees

Expansion of the park infrastructure (Future Project)

  • Development of new industrial buildings for production and storage

Business incubator (Future Project)

  • For supporting the development of new businesses inside the parc